Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pushing for first time moms


Wish that having a baby was as simple as the stork story?
The second stage of birth, or the pushing the baby out time, is one that puzzles first and often second time moms. "What does it feel like and how will I know how to push?" It is actually is my personal favorite time in labor. During the first stage we as laboring moms have to let go and let our bodies do what they are made to do.We have to breathe through the surges and move and rest in ways that bring comfort and feel right. The cool thing about the second stage is that we get to actively participate in bring our babies earthside. Please excuse the phrase, but it is kinda like throwing up. We have all experienced the urge to throw up- more then our fair share for those who get morning sickness. Its not something we come up with on our own and then make our bodies do- we are just pulled into it. Our bodies push out the contents of our stomach. Pushing out a baby is a very similar urge. In a weird way it actually feels good to be able to respond to the pushing urge.
 Gloria Lemay, a brilliant midwife, wrote a short article for Midwifery Today titled Pushing for First-Time Moms. She very clearly describes this incredible time in our labor. She also shares some external signs of progress in labor. A must read for all expectant couples! .

Pushing for First-Time Moms  by Gloria Lemay <---link class="subhead" font="" nbsp="" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 0.4em;">

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